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Patona 10x AEG Gr. 28 sac de praf multistrat Polaris - Patona (PT-9536)

57,33 RON
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Pretul minim actual al produsului: 57,33 RON

Descrierea produsului
PATONA 10 vacuum cleaner bag multi layer fleece incl. Microfilter f. AEG Gr. 28 With the PATONA vacuum cleaner bag for AEG Gr. 28 you can save time and money.
With the included Microfilter the vacuumed dust will get pre filtered. Because of that it is ensured that the particles will get spread out evenly. That is the reason, why you have the same throughput till the bag is full.
With PATONA you buy a product of one of the leading third-party manufacturers. (not original)

Technical Data:
  • Material: Synthetic flees
  • multi layer
  • 1x Microfilter
  • 10x Vacuum cleaner bags
  • Brand: PATONA
Compatible Models AEG Original Größe 28 ACE Serie - CE CE Mr. Big Comfort. 0 Comfort. 1 Compact el (ab Bj. 1996) E 150, E 160, E 180, E 181, E 185, E 190, E 1700 Plus, E 2000 Turbo Exqusit 200, Exqusit 217, Exqusit 500 Exquisit 1201, Exquisit 1202, Exquisit 1400 el, Exquisit 1500 Größe 28 SilverStar SUN T 2. . Cyclone Trio Turbo electronic Vampyr 1500 - 1905, Vampyr 2002.1, Vampyr 2300, Vampyr 4110, Vampyr 4111, Vampyr 4120, Vampyr 5000 - 5999, Vampyr CE 700, Vampyr CE 950 Ecotec, Vampyr CE 100 - 999, Vampyr CE 1700.0, 1 - Vampyr, Vampyr CE 1800 Comfort, Vampyr CE 2000 - 2999, Vampyr CE 4100 - 4299, Vampyr 5.1700, Vampyr CE 950 Egotec, Vampyr CE Azzurro, Vampyr CE Jubilee, Vampyr CE Mega Power, Vampyr CE Mega Power!, Vampyr CE Mega Power trio, Vampyr CE Mega PowerLine, Vampyr CE Mega PowerStar, Vampyr CE Smart & Clean, Vampyr CE Turbo EL, Vampyr CE Ultra Power, Vampyr CE Winner, Vampyr Comfort 0…9, 625el, Vampyr Croma, Vampyr Duo, Vampyr Serie E, Vampyr freshline, Vampyr E 150, Vampyr E 160, Vampyr E 180, Vampyr E 181, Vampyr E 185, Vampyr E 190, Vampyr E 200 Turbo, Vampyr E 1700 plus, Vampyr Europe 1st, Vampyr Exclusiv, Vampyr Exqusit 200, Vampyr Exqusit 217, Vampyr Exqusit 500, Vampyr Exqusit 1201, Vampyr Exqusit 1202, Vampyr Exqusit 1400 EL, Vampyr Exqusit 1500, Vampyr Freshline, Vampyr H 2000, Vampyr H 2162, Vampyr H 2182, Vampyr H 2202, Vampyr HH 2202, Vampyr K 2000, Vampyr K 3170, Vampyr K 3180, Vampyr K 3200, Vampyr K 4200, Vampyr Lemon, Vampyr Luxor 1, Vampyr Megapower 2, Vampyr Megapower 3, Vampyr Megapower 5, Vampyr MM 1700, Vampyr MM 1800, Vampyr MM 2000, Vampyr Parketto, Vampyr Powerstar, Vampyr Red Zac EL. , Vampyr Rosso, Vampyr Samba, Vampyr Silverstar, Vampyr Sprint, Vampyr Sun, Vampyr Trio, Vampyr T 2 Serie - Twin Alfatec Alfa 500E De'Longhi

XLE 800... 900 Electrolux / Lux Bolero Z 5003 Z 2940... 2950 Filio Diamant P 60 Samba Z 5002 Tango Z 5001 Eureka 3530 Ultra Boss Lindhaus Aria Migros CH Bunny Privileg / Quelle 101.393 102.690 102.974 104.432 104.480 106.724 107.023 163.221 244.974 304.782 403.970 595.096 851.391 Twin Clean Progress

Azzurro Calypso 1400 Cyclon Bogless 1800W D 10 - Diamant0, D 12 - Diamant, D 75 - Diamant, D 110 - Diamant, D 111 - Diamant, D 112 – Diamant, D 200... 299 - Diamant, D 400 - Diamant, D 410 - Diamant, D 500 - Diamant, D 610 - Diamant, D 710 - Diamant, D 812 - Diamant, D 850 - Diamant Maximus 2002, Maximus 2200, Maximus 2300, Maximus 2305 P 60 PA 5190, PA 5200, PA 5205, PA 8170, PA 8180, PA 8190 PC 4400... 4499, PC 4500... 4599 Weltstar 2100 Satrap Aspira Classic 1800 Singer Cyclone 1000 Junior 1000 Thomas Comfort electronic Tornado Complys / CE Diamant 200... 400 Luxor Weltstar 1400 TO 210 N, TO 210 V, TO 212, TO 215... TO 218, TO 260, TO 270, TO 280, TO 290, TO 370, TO 380, TO 390, TO 470, TO 480, TO 482, TO 482, TO 484, TO 486 Luxor, TO 490 Luxor Volta Diamant Serie, Diamant U 405, Diamant U 412, Diamant U 414 Tornado Diamant, Tornado Diamant 200, Tornado Diamant 210, Tornado Diamant 400 U 400, U 404, U 405 Diamant, U 412 Diamant

Denumiri similare la Sac de praf PATONA PT-9536: PT 9536, PT9536



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